Mission & Vision

Our Mission:

To cultivate success for the people we work with and for by offering affordable, quality print items and services when and where needed. To also inspire others to print smarter and to do this all by adhering to our core values.

Our Vision:

To be the prefferd choice for print items and services along with peripheral ergonomics and supplies.

To achieve these ambitions, we look at small and large organization’s locally and around the world as sources of inspiration. Though we are not nearly at the scale of a fortune 500, a few key elements of inspiration we have adopted include culture from:

Coca Cola

As perhaps the world’s most recognized brand as well as the most recognized words after “Okay” why not look at this brand’s culture for a source of inspiration. Coke’s focus on the following aspects to achieve their vision encompases much if not all of the values we strive for. Check them out below:

  • People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.
  • Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality brands that anticipate and satisfy people’s desires and needs.
  • Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.
  • Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.
  • Profit: Maximize long-term return to share-owners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.
  • Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.


As thought up by Steve Jobs, the first mission statement for apple was “To make a contribution to the world by making tools for the mind that advance humankind.” In 2013 Tim Cook summarized that his leadership focused on people, strategy, and execution; he explained, “If you get those three right the world is a great place.”