Brand Benefits

We are not in the sales business. We want to earn our customers trust and provide them with the best attributes they value. This includes:

  • “Moments of Magic” customer service. In the book “Moment’s of Magic” by Shep Hyken, that style of customer service is summarized as any opportunity to meet or exceed the customer’s expectations.
  • Expertise, that enables us to provide the best support to our customers as possible.
  • Rapid Turnaround – Preventing or reducing emergency orders to repplenish out of stock supplies critical to our client’s operation help cut costs and stop stress.
  • Products in Stock – Having the right product at the right time and place makes the difference between meeting customer’s needs or falling short.
  • Affordable items – we all have the right to save money so why not take advantage if it doesn’t hurt?
  • Quality Valued – Cheap deals are great but balancing cost with correllative quality is better when needed. We have an array of items across the sprectrum including the highest quality items, thoroughly made, tested, and ready to go!
  • Eco-Friendly! Many items cost more to recycle but our products not only help you save money and time, but the environment as well! Here’s some real general ideas of the impact we’re making with our biggest client alone so far:
  • We’re saving 1,300 lbs. of waste!
  • We’re saving 325 gallons of oil!
  • We’re saving them $30,000!
  • Though we can work with clients across the nation, together with our local clients we can We can put $3 million extra in the local economy for every $100 spent per person!