Though we try and convey clear and concise information, sometimes we need to express our thoughts in different or more or less detailed ways. Based on some of the common questions asked, here’s a proactive list of answers to be more thorough and hopefully help you out. Of course if you have any additional questions please call or email us at 281-812-2600 or
You can expect to have the same exact quality of print and page yield as OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) cartridges. Over the years the techniques used to refill cartridges have highly evolved from the original kits and drill and fill methods. Tested, high quality formulas and parts specific to brand and series of cartridge combined with proven processes make the difference. Page Yields are tested and print quality should not significantly vary. Of course, if you experience any problems we will return, exchange, or credit any purchases made. Also keep our failure is in line with brand new items have a 1-3% failure rate. Our warehouses also keep stock of many brand new items as well.
No it will not. There is a law in place to protect you from this type of monopoly. Click here to read a PDF of the statute.. The Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act prohibits the printer manufacturer from voiding the warranty because you use a refurbished cartridge. This started back with Vacuum cleaner companies discouraging cheaper made bags instead the ones they sold. Warranties are only good for 1 year typically unless you buy an extended warranty as well. Name brand manufacturers don’t want to lose sales and profits. But if they don’t want to lose sales, they shouldn’t give away the vacuum, razor, or printer and permanently profit off the supplies.
The industy standard to determine each cartridges page yield is based on a standard document template you can view here. Using more ink/toner per page than this will result in fewer pages, but using less can result in more pages. A few software programs are even available where you can scan your specific documents in and it can calculate the rough amount of coverage on the page and the estimated page yield you will get based off printing those kinds of documents.
For existing clients with a Rapid Reorder link we recommend using that for quick, custom inventory listings and orders as well as savings reports. For new clients currently you can request a quote from our site, call or email us. We are in the process of researching a quick and secure e-commerce platform to inergate in our site. Please check back for updates!
Between the number of brands, printer models, and series for each model there is just too much to carry in our one location. Our warehouses have most other items, but some items aren’t available as refurbished either because we haven’t perfected the parts and/or formulas for them, they are to new or the availability even as new is too scarce.
In most cases, we have cartridges that are packaged and ready to be purchased already. Fully remanufacturing an ink or toner cartridge is a multi-step process.
For inkjets, we clean out any remaining old ink before we fill the cartridge. Many “refill-while-you-wait” processes do not clean the cartridges, and just add new ink on top of old, which can affect the quality of your prints. After the cartridge is refilled, the electronics are checked, and if necessary, we replace the chip or strip on the cartridge so your printer knows it is full.
With toners, we disassemble the cartridge and clean out all of the old toner powder. All the internal components such as the drum, wiper blades, and transfer rollers are all replaced before adding new toner powder. Then the toners have their gears reset or we put on a new electronic chip to indicate to your printer the cartridge is full.
After this process, we perform test prints to check for quality.
We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover.
If you are within our delivery radius, your order is placed early, and we have your product(s) in stock, we would be happy to deliver to you the same day Monday-Friday, and some Saturdays as well! Please call for details.
We are confident the quality of our merchandise will meet, if not exceed your expectations. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you may return it for a refund, credit, or exchange. Click here to view our return policy details.
Ink is a liquid, toner is powdered plastic. And easy way to think about it – toner cartridges are much larger in physical size than Inkjet; and the cost per print is, generally speaking, much lower – they are more economical machines. However, if you are looking at new machines, before you buy, please consult with us and we can find the best fit for you! Not all printers are made equal, and we have even seen some laser printers that use toner cartridges that cost more to run than some inkjet machines.
A drum is the part of the toner cartridge that lays the actual image on the page. They are used exclusively with Toner cartridges – some manufacturers have drums integrated into the laser cartridge (HP, Canon) and some typically make them two separate items (Brother, Dell, some Lexmark).
Most printer manufacturers offer two different levels of Page Yield – Low Yield and High Yield – in almost all cases, the High Yield toner cartridge will result in a lower cost per page printed. At Rapid Response Ink, Toner, & 3D Filament, we will make sure you are printing at the lowest cost per page possible.
As a general rule of thumb – the lower the cost of the printer, the more expensive it is to run. Feel free to give us a call, and we will make sure you get a printer that is going to work best for you!
That is the number of pages you should reasonably expect a print cartridge to print. This is a general estimate, and based on a 5% coverage of each page printed. Manufacturers make it very difficult to find out how many pages a cartridge is capable of printing. Please give us a call and we would be happy to tell you the page yield of your cartridge.
You can expect to have anywhere between 20-40% off the cost of the ink or toner cartridges from Big Box retailers.
You can always find something cheaper; if that is truly your main focus. If you can buy a burger from any fast food place for only $1, why would you pay $13 at a sit down restaurant? The answer is quality – you get what you pay for. When you purchase from Rapid Response Ink, Toner, & 3D Filament, you are receiving only the highest quality remanufactured cartridges. We also offer free over-the-phone technical support, can clean and service some printers, and if you ever have a problem, we have a retail location where we can take care of it immediately.
We do not buy empty cartridges. We provide our customers the lowest price for their cartridges up-front, but do not require you to turn in empties to make a purchase. We work on an honor system, so as long as our customers turn in empties when they have them, we can ensure we provide the best savings by not having to purchase empty cartridges to use.
Yes, we were founded on recycling and preserving our environment! We will accept our customers used/empty inkjet and toner cartridges, saving them from the fate of a landfill, and recycle them.
Most manufacturers design their printers and specifically the electronics on the cartridges to require ink in all cartridges to print anything!! Although your black cartridge is full and the color is registering empty, the printer will not allow you to print in black. This is to prevent the printhead inside your printer from becoming dried out and damaged.